Monday, November 14, 2011

Over the weekend.

We went to Grandma Brown's house to visit and take her grocery shopping. It is always nice to visit with Grandma Brown, I love all the knowledge and stories she has. Cody payed the lunch bill and she got pretty angry, but I feel it is the right thing to do and she shouldn't be offended by it.

We had to stop by our local Walmart on the way home....Which I hate. I have to complain about our local Walmart, because it is always out of everything, there are too many people there and they don't even carry allot of what I want. When I want to go to a good Walmart, I take a drive to Saratoga, now thats a good Walmart, its not as busy, it has TONS of cool things and when I go to reach for something it is there. It just sucks because usually we are in Salt Lake, not Saratoga. When will Tooele get a Target???? I hope soon.

So I have been researching how to go gluten free. I have learned alot, but still feel lost. I have read allot of blogs about it and thought about getting a bread maker. I am pretty excited about it, I love making bread, but its allot of work. So if anyone is actually reading this thing and has tips on going gluten free or bread makers, hit me up. I need all the information I can get.

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